Popular Treatments for Osteoporosis…And Why They’re Not Enough


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Have you been diagnosed with osteoporosis, or are you worried about developing it? You may not really know too much about this common bone condition, but you may have already started using popular home treatments to fight it because your friends or family suggested them. Here’s what you need to know about osteoporosis and why those home remedies may not be enough.

Home Remedies for Osteoporosis

When many women enter menopause, they correctly believe they need to start watching out for signs of osteoporosis. Most correctly adopt a series of lifestyle modifications to address the risk of osteoporosis. They like these home remedies for osteoporosis because they’re natural and easy to add to daily living for most people.

Popular osteoporosis home remedies include:

  1. Quitting smoking because smoking decreases bone density and harms circulation
  2. Adding weight-bearing and resistance exercise (e.g., walking, jogging, dancing, and lifting weights) to help bones become stronger
  3. Eating more calcium, which can be found in dairy products, dark green and leafy vegetables, calcium-fortified foods, and calcium supplements
  4. Getting enough vitamin D from egg yolks, saltwater fish, and supplements to absorb calcium and strengthen bone (your body also makes vitamin D when exposed to sunlight)
  5. Avoiding excess alcohol consumption, which can interfere with calcium absorption and hormone production as well as contribute to falls and fractures

These lifestyle adjustments are good general health rules, and they can usually slow the progression of osteoporosis somewhat. However, they don’t address other symptoms that accompany the hormonal changes that cause osteoporosis.

A better approach is to look at the root of the problem and consider treatments that work on more than just bone brittleness and loss. There are systemic therapies that can simultaneously reduce or even eliminate many symptoms of menopause and other hormonal imbalances while also preventing the advancement of osteoporosis. By all means, continue with the suggestions above, but consider them a supplement to more comprehensive therapy.

Alternatives to Home Remedies for Osteoporosis

Different types of hormone replacement therapy have proven to be very effective at slowing or even preventing osteoporosis, and you get the added benefit of treating other health concerns at the same time. Hormone replacement therapy may be a good path for you if your osteoporosis or osteopenia is caused by a hormone imbalance. Besides osteoporosis, what are some signs of hormones that need rebalancing?

  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Heavy, irregular, or painful periods
  • Cessation of menstruation
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Breast changes
  • New acne
  • Increased hair growth in undesirable areas
  • Weight gain, especially in the abdominal area
  • A simple blood test matched with your history of symptoms and a physical exam can determine which hormones are imbalanced. Sometimes medical imaging is added for a fuller picture of the problem.

    At Core Medical & Wellness, we offer hormone replacement to deal with the symptoms of hormone imbalance. This includes osteoporosis, which can be slowed or stopped with the right combination of hormones. The types of hormone therapy we use are:

    • Estrogen only (usually for women who have had a complete hysterectomy)
    • Cyclical or sequential to help regulate cycles in the premenopausal period
    • Continuous (progesterone and estrogen given during menopause)
    • Long-cycle, which results in bleeding every three months (not usually recommended)
    • Local estrogen applied to the vagina to manage dryness and irritation

We also offer hormone replacement and other treatments for men and bioidentical hormone replacement as an alternative to conventional synthetic hormones. The molecular structure of these hormones is more similar to what your body would normally make on its own.

Hormone replacement therapy may not be right for everyone. We now know that some of the risks from studies such as the Women’s Health Initiative do not apply to all women. However, some people are still in higher-risk categories for cardiovascular disease and other adverse events with hormone therapy.

The best way to determine if hormone replacement is what you need is to schedule an initial appointment at Core Medical & Wellness. Together, we’ll look at your unique case and help plot a treatment plan that works safely for you. Call us today at 888-521-0688, or reach out online to let us know how we can help.