Dr. Kim Of Core Medical Wellness Giving The 55 KIP Seminar Presentation

Recap: Varicose Vein Presentation and Screening With Dr. Kim

Steven Kim, MD Blog

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As a part of their pledge of community outreach and education, CORE Medical & Wellness partnered with 55 KIP Center earlier this month to offer a seminar on the treatment of varicose veins, as well as offer a free vein screening. The event was hosted by Dr. Steven Kim, a vein expert who is part of the CORE Medical & Wellness family.

About Dr. Kim

Dr. Steven Kim graduated from Cornell University with a B.A. in Biochemistry before going on to complete his M.S. at Columbia University and his M.D. at the State University of New York Downstate Medical Center. After finishing his training at Lenox Hill Hospital, Dr. Kim became a clinical educator for major healthcare corporations like Johnson & Johnson and Gilead Sciences. In 2015, Dr. Kim founded The Vein Treatment Center, as well as co-founded FirstMed Urgent Care Clinic in Fort Lee, NJ. He was also the medical director for both.

In addition to a love of interacting with and educating the community, Dr. Kim also enjoys visiting the beach, reading non-fiction, playing the piano, and spending time with his spouse and two children, Matthew and Ella. He is also a long-suffering Mets fan.

What Did I Miss?

On Friday, August 16th, Dr. Kim met with 26 members of the 55 KIP Center family for a free information seminar and varicose vein screening. After being treated to refreshments provided by CORE Medical & Wellness, Dr. Kim delivered his presentation and covered topics such as how varicose veins form, as well as the various forms of varicose vein treatments. All 26 participants were engaged throughout the seminar, and thrilled to be a part of the event!

What Are Varicose Veins?

In the United States, nearly 1 in every 5 adults suffers from superficial venous insufficiency, the underlying disease that is the root cause of varicose veins. These twisted, swollen veins appear near the skin’s surface, and can be unsightly at best and dangerous for your health at worst. When veins function properly, small valves open and close to prevent the backflow of blood as it travels to the heart. When these valves are damaged, blood pools in the affected veins, causing them to become prominently visible through the skin.

How Are Varicose Veins Treated?

CORE Medical & Wellness is proud to offer a non-surgical approach to treating varicose veins. The entire process takes less than an hour, causes minimal pain, and does not leave as much bruising when compared to traditional vein-stripping methods. Through the use of laser therapy, varicose veins can be sealed shut, essentially causing them to disappear with little to no downtime or scarring.

Future Events From CORE Medical & Wellness

If you would like to stay updated on all the community events CORE Medical & Wellness hosts or partners with, visit our upcoming events page. Here, you can find all of the latest news on what seminars and offerings are happening in your community.

Ready to Get Started?

If you’re in need of help getting rid of your varicose veins and looking for a trusted vein specialist, call CORE Medical & Wellness at 888-521-0688 or visit us online to schedule an appointment or find out more information.

Dr. Steven Kim received his B.A. in biochemistry from Cornell University, then completed his M.S. from Columbia University and his M.D. from the State University of New York Downstate Medical Center. Dr. Kim specializes in the treatment of varicose veins and vein disease. Read his full bio here.